a tale of working at yale

Exhibits to NLRB Charge

List of supporting documents included with the 28 March 1996 charge

[Documents open in new windows.]

Ex. 1
Suspension letter: from YCIAS business manager to me, November 15, 1995
Ex. 2
Termination letter: from YCIAS business manager to me, November 30, 1995
Ex. 3
A Description of my job
B Advertisement, December 18, 1995, for the position to replace me
Ex. 4
A Layoff notice: letter from William Foltz to me, March 25, 1993
B Agreement between the Union and the University, May 17, 1993, settling my grievance over a layoff
Ex. 5
A Suspension letter: from YCIAS business manager to me, October 28, 1993 [incorrectly dated October 23, 1993]
B Written Warning: YCIAS business manager to me, November 4, 1993, following suspension
Ex. 6
Letter: Willem Buiter to Gaddis Smith, June 24, 1991, refusing to submit to Smith’s curtailment of my overtime work and citing a "harassment campaign" against me in central university administration
Ex. 6A
Letter: Willem Buiter to Dorothy Robinson, May 30, 1996, upon learning of my dismissal [added to NLRB charge after initial submission]
Ex. 7
A Letter: William Foltz to William N. Parker, September 1, 1987, affirming security my employment
B Letter: William Foltz to me, September 1, 1987, affirming security my employment and continued funding for my position
Ex. 8
"Gag order": letter from William Foltz to me, June 21, 1993
Ex. 9
Letter: John Merriman to Gaddis Smith, with copies to President Richard C. Levin and Provost Judith Rodin, October 22, 1993, objecting to the gag order

Last updated 06 December 2022 (Tuesday) at 16:52:30 PST