a tale of working at yale

False Assertions

in the Termination Letter of November 30, 1995

The November 30, 1995, termination letter — presented as Exhibit 2 of the NLRB Charge and since rescinded by the settlement of the case — was ostensibly from B. Kimbro, the YCIAS business manager. It was approved and quite obviously — to anyone familiar with Kimbro’s impaired ability for written correspondence and coherent communication (written or verbal) — written by others, presumably Yale’s Labor Relations department. More significantly, the campaign to fire me was initiated and carried out by higher-ups, most directly and certainly Kimbro’s superiors, G. Smith and R. Ruther, as well as others. It is reasonable to assume that those at Labor Relations who oversaw execution of the labor contract, did so without accurate information, having only Kimbro and the YCIAS administrators as its source.

Despite her non-decision-making status, Kimbro carried out her orders as YCIAS hit-man with crude gusto and innate thuggishness. Yet, after the deed, Kimbro ran about the YCIAS explicity denying her role, claiming that she was “made” to do it by her superiors — a rare, though self-serving, bit of truth. Yet when asked directly about the firing by a concerned faculty member, G. Smith, in his familiar oblique way, denied responsibility by referring the questioner to Jackson, who, in turn, denied even knowledge of the deed.

One might almost have thought then that the the firing never happened. Indeed, if the dismissal letter had been required to have contained truths rather than falsehoods, it would not have and could not have occurred.

Five falsehoods are excerpted and explained below.

1. “… work … dating back to June 30, 1995.”

2. “… work as directed by me [Kimbro] …”

3. “… unwillingness to follow a clear directive …”

4. “… disregard for policies and procedures within the framework of the YCIAS.”

5. “… neither the Kempf Fund nor Professor Jackson’s report were completed.”

Last updated 11 March 2022 (Friday) at 15:44:05 PST